
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has a central role as the coordinator of approval and authorisation processes under BPR. Among other things, ECHA assesses the technical equivalence of active substances from different sources, maintains the Register for Biocidal Products (R4BP) and publishes the list of companies who have access to the data on active substances. ECHA's Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) prepares the opinions to the Commission based on the competent authority’s evaluation for the Union authorisations. ECHA's secretariat supports the work of the BPC. ECHA charges applicants according to its Fee Regulation.

National competent authorities have an important role in all application processes. National competent authorities evaluate the data both for the Union and national authorisations. Risk assessment of active substances will also continue to be performed by national authorities. The fees Tukes charges for biocide applications correspond to the tasks and application types of BPR.

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Biocides (European Comission, DG Health and Food Safety)