Tukes’s eExams

Tukes uses the eExam learning environment, which makes it possible to take exams electronically regardless of the time and place. Exams can be taken in Finnish and in Swedish. As a representative of a company, you can purchase exam codes from the online store and hand them out to the persons taking the exam.


Booking eExams and accessing the learning environment

Go to kauppa.tukes.fi

Purchase the exam paper you need
You will be asked to confirm your identity and create a user account for the learning environment.

Confirmation of your purchase will be sent to you by e-mail

You can take the exam in our eExam learning environment at etentti.tukes.fi at any time within three months
You can study and take a practice test before the actual exam. The exam papers you have purchased are shown under “My courses” on the left-hand side of the page.

Once you have passed the exam, you can save and print out your certificate.
