Operation and maintenance

 The process safety system consists of several different areas and elements, which are explained in the text.

’Operation and maintenance’ is an area of the process safety system consisting of two elements: safe operation; and property management. The goal of the area is to address process safety systematically in instructions and procedures related to the operation and maintenance of production plants. 

Safe operation covers work instructions, work permit procedures, any bypassed safety systems, and practices for shift changes. 

Property management focuses especially on equipment critical for process safety. Equipment critical for process safety plays a significant role in process risk management: it may cause accidents when malfunctioning, or it may prevent accidents. Such equipment must be identified based on a process risk assessment.

Equipment may also be critical for process safety by law. For example, pressure equipment and automatic fire alarm systems have been defined to be so critical by law that they must be inspected at regular intervals by an authorised inspection body.

Property management

Safe operation