Weighing in industry
The requirements of the Measuring Instruments Act apply to the scales used to weigh the quantity of product to be invoiced or to weigh or check the quantity contained in the product packages. This means that the requirements do not apply to all scales used in industrial production. Verified scales compliant with the Measuring Instruments Act must be used to ensure the quantity of product or the quantity contained in the package.
Automatic scales must fulfil the requirements of the Decree 1432/2016 while non-automatic scales must comply with the Decree on Non-Automatic Scales 1431/2016 (see: identifying the conformity of scales).
Automatic line scales used to check the quantity contained in the package must be verified every two (2) years. In-service verification must be performed on other scales during operation every three (3) years.
The weight of the package must not be included in the quantity contained in the package. When a product is packaged, the weight of the package must be either deducted from the overall weighing result, or the tare must be set on the scales (see packaged products).
Vehicle scales
The user of vehicle scales must have a display that complies with the requirements. In unmanned scales, the user is the driver of the vehicle. In that case, the driver must see the display of the scales.
Mittauslaitelaki 707/2011
Valtioneuvoston asetus mittauslaitteista 471/2014
Valtioneuvoston asetus ei-automaattisista vaaoista 1431/2016
Valtioneuvoston asetus mittauslaitteiden olennaisista vaatimuksista, vaatimustenmukaisuuden osoittamisesta ja teknisistä erityisvaatimuksista 1432/2016
Valtioneuvoston asetus kulutushyödykkeen hinnan ilmoittamisesta markkinoinnissa 553/2013
Mittauslaitedirektiivi 2014/32/EU (MID)
Vaakadirektiivi 2014/31/EU (NAWID)
Elsewhere on the Net
EU:n lista MID:n yhdenmukaistetuista standardeista ja normatiivisista dokumenteista
EU:n lista vaakadirektiivin yhdenmukaistetusta standardista
NANDO-tietokanta Euroopan komission tietokanta ilmoitetuista laitoksista (notified body)
OIML International Organization of Legal Metrology
WELMEC (eurooppalainen lakisääteisen metrologian yhteistyöjärjestö