Supervision of products, services, institutions and equipment
Tukes maintains registers on subjects of supervision falling within its remit, such as product importers, consumer service providers, electrical installations and pressure equipment. The registers are maintained for the purpose of carrying out supervision, and they are based on Tukes’ statutory duty or tasks of general interest Tukes performs as a public authority.
In many cases, the subject of supervision is a legal person, such as a company, but many registers also list the names of the contact persons for the subject. Naming a contact person makes communication between the subject of supervision and Tukes easier. For the contact person, the register lists such information as the name, title, e-mail address and telephone number.
In accordance with law, a person-in-charge – for example, an operation supervisor or a work supervisor – must be appointed for certain installations and institutions. For the persons-in-charge, in addition to contact information, the recorded data includes data helping to ensure that the person is qualified for the role in question. Data processed on persons-in-charge may include data on their training, qualifications or career history. In addition, when necessary, the identity codes of persons-in-charge are processed to ensure exact identification of the person.
- Chemical products register
- Market surveillance register
- MittaVa
- Pressure equipment register
- Registers of economic operators, qualifications, persons-in-charge and installations in the electrical works sector
- VOC products
Document registers
Tukes maintains an index of any matters submitted and taken up for consideration and any matters considered and decided, as required in the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999, section 18). Such records also include data on the parties involved, such as the initiator of the matter. The registered data include the names, addresses and e-mail addresses of such persons. If the customer is a legal person, the name and e-mail address of a contact person may also be recorded in the register to make the processing of the matter easier. By the decision of the National Archives of Finland the data recorded in document registers is stored on a permanent basis.
Qualification registers
Tukes maintains registers of qualified economic operators, certain qualifications acquired falling within its remit, training providers, competence assessment institutions, and accredited bodies and inspectors. The maintenance of the registers is based on the performance of a statutory duty.
If the holder of the qualification or accreditation is a legal person, such as a company, contact information of a contact person, such as the name, e-mail address and telephone number, may also be recorded to make communication easier. As regards personal qualifications, in addition to the contact information, the information processed in the registers includes data with the help of which the person's qualifications can be verified or a permit granted. Such data may include information on training, qualifications or work experience. To identify the person, also the personal identity code is processed in the register.
- Approved companies
- Register of the inspectors of pesticide application equipment
- Register of the providers of plant protection certification
- Register of persons who have been granted plant protection certification
- Register of the providers of training in the use and handling of plant protection products
- Register of qualifications and persons-in-charge in the field of refrigeration
- Register of economic operators, qualifications and persons-in-charge in the field of rescue services
- Registers of economic operators, qualifications, persons-in-charge and installations in the electrical works sector
- Providers and dates of electrical safety examinations
- Special certification register for pest control operators
- Certification register for pest control operators
- Register of pest control companies
Accreditation operations (FINAS)
FINAS maintains a customer register. The customers are legal persons, such as companies, but to make communication easier, contact information of the company's contact person, such as name, address, telephone number and e-mail address, is also processed in the register.
Furthermore, FINAS maintains a register of technical assessors used by it. FINAS processes the kind of information that can be used to verify the assessor's qualifications. The keeping of registers is based on a contract.
Registers of permits
Tukes is tasked with granting different permits and supervising that, in their activities, the permit holders comply with the conditions related to them. For these purposes, Tukes collects also personal data. The maintenance of the registers is based on the performance of a statutory duty.
In many cases, the subject of supervision is a legal person, such as a company. To make communication easier, the permit holder is often requested to appoint a contact person, for whom the register records such information as the name, title, e-mail address and telephone number. If the permit holder is a private person, usually more detailed personal data is required, including personal identity code and home address, to enable reliable identification of the permit holder.
- Register for biocidal products
- Mining Act, mining and exploration permits and reservations
- Mining Act, gold panning
- Plant Protection Product Register
- Supervision register of chemical sites (KEMU)
- Responsibility mark register
- Register of transfer permits for explosives
Communications and cooperation partner registers, incl. stakeholders
Tukes collects personal data for communication purposes, such as delivery of press and news releases and newsletters, and participation in events, training sessions and lotteries organised by Tukes. Tukes may also collect information and feedback on the events organised by it. As a rule, the maintenance of such registers is based on consent, which means that the consent can also be withdrawn. If you are coming to Tukes on a visit, your name will be registered on a list of visitors. Depending on the register, the data collected may include the visitor's name, e-mail address, telephone number, title, employer and dietary restrictions.
In addition, Tukes maintains a register of communication service providers. Service providers are usually legal persons, such as companies, but the contact information of a service provider’s contact person is also entered into the register. In addition, Tukes maintains a register of contacts from different media to monitor how its communications have succeeded. This register contains the contact details of the journalist/customer.
Tukes provides advice and disseminates information about issues related to its remit. The helpdesk processes personal contact information, such as names and e-mail addresses, to be able to respond to the persons sending questions. The VARO register is used for disseminating information about accidents and with an aim to reduce accidents. No personal identification data, such as names, addresses etc., are entered into the VARO register, but some people may be able to identify the persons involved on the basis of accident descriptions.
- Lottery lists
- Ordering free products
- Registration information
- Enquiries and feedback
- Q&A or give feedback systems
- Subscribers to press and news releases
- Subscribers to newsletters
- Communications service providers
- REACH, CLP and Biocide helpdesk for companies
Tukes recruits new employees by publishing public announcements on vacancies. The applications are received through the system. Any applications sent to the registry office are also recorded in the service. The service processes the names, contact information, date of birth data, and information about the education and previous jobs of the people applying for positions, as well as details about personal life in the respects specified in the applications. In the system, the data is processed by the supervisor responsible for recruitment, representatives of the HR administration and other persons involved in the recruitment process. After the recruitment is over, a summary of the applicants is saved in the document register and deleted from the system. In the document register, the applications are stored for two years. The application of the person selected to the position and his or her memorandum of appointment, which includes an income comparison between the applicants, is stored on a permanent basis.
The statements received during the selection process on the suitability assessments of applicants are stored for two years. They are not stored in the document register.
Tukes also receives open applications with contact, education and employment information on the applicants. Tukes hopes that applicants primarily submit their applications through the service. Open applications are stored in the document register for two years.
Tukes processes data on its own employees in the state administration's common personnel data system.
Whistleblower protection
The Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) handles internal and external reports of misuse in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Violations of the European Union and National Law (Laki Euroopan unionin ja kansallisen oikeuden rikkomisesta ilmoittavien henkilöiden suojelusta 1171/2022; the “Whistleblower Protection Act”). Tukes handles reports as the competent authority in several areas of legislation such as product safety, compliance and consumer protection. In addition, personnel have the opportunity to submit an internal report to Tukes.