Notification of electrical or lift works SL 1
For notification of installation, maintenance, repair and modernization works.
Form: Notification of electrical or lift works SL 1 (doc, 85 kb)
SL 1 fill-in instructions (doc, 35 kb)
Notification into electrical installations register SL2A
Form: Notification into electrical installations register SL2A (doc, 297 kb)
The notifications can also be made electronically through the online service and with strong authentication (only in Finnish), if
- the company has a Finnish business ID,
- the certified supervisor of electrical works or the operation supervisor (and the person making the notification) has a Finnish personal identity code and is able to perform strong authentication,
- the company or the person making the notification has a bank account and preferably a debit/credit card in Finland.
The Tukes e-service address is Palvelut – Aluehallinnon asiointipalvelu