Inspection bodies for the transport of dangerous goods

The inspection bodies referred to in the Act on Transport of Dangerous Goods include inspection bodies for the transport of dangerous goods, periodic inspection bodies for the transport of dangerous goods, inspection bodies authorised by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, type A notified bodies and type B notified bodies.

Which authority approves the inspection bodies for the transport of dangerous goods?

  • The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) recognises the inspection bodies that inspect transportable pressure equipment.
  • The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority approves the inspection bodies that inspect packaging and containers designed for the transport of radioactive substances.
  • The Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) approves other inspection bodies.

Decisions on the approval of an inspection body define the inspection body’s tasks and confirms the scope of the inspection body’s supervision and related arrangements.

Inspection bodies approved by Tukes must fulfil the requirements set out in section 110 of the Act on Transport of Dangerous Goods (541/2023). The fulfilment of the requirements is demonstrated through accreditation by the Finnish Accreditation Service (FINAS), and the accreditation certificate granted by it must be provided for Tukes attached with the inspection body application. Inspection bodies must fulfil the requirements set for type A inspection bodies in the EN ISO 17020 standard.

Inspection bodies must apply for an approval from Tukes to operate as an approved body as laid down in the Act on Transport of Dangerous Goods. The application must include a description of activities, information about responsible persons, the accreditation certificate, and liability insurance for inspection activities.

Tukes supervises the activities of inspection bodies. Tukes may revoke an approval if an approved body no longer fulfils the requirements set for it or the general requirements, or if an approved body does not conduct inspections appropriately.

Inspection bodies for the transport of dangerous goods approved by Tukes

DEKRA Industrial Oy
Tuupakankuja 1
01740 Vantaa
Tel. +358 9 878 020
Accreditation certificate: DEKRA Industrial Oy, 1.04 Vaarallisten aineiden kuljetus, VAK (
The indentity mark or stamp:

Eurofins Expert Services Oy
PL 47, 02151 Espoo
Kivimiehentie 4, Espoo
Tel. +358 20 722 111
Accreditation certificate: Eurofins Expert Services Oy, 1.09 Vaarallisten aineiden kuljetus (VAK) ja varastosäiliöt (
The indentity mark or stamp:

Image will be updated soon

Inspecta Tarkastus Oy
(Kiwa Inspecta) PL 1000
00181 Helsinki
Tel. +358 10 521 600
Accreditation certificate: Inspecta Tarkastus Oy, 1.21 Painelaitteet (
The indentity mark or stamp:

Testlink Oy
Kangasalantie 152
33730 Tampere
Tel. +358 400 213 069
Accreditation certificate: Testlink Oy (
The indentity mark or stamp: