Product safety assessment
Products must be safe in normal use and withstand normal conditions of use for the expected lifetime of the product. No risks may arise during use that could endanger the health or safety of the consumer.
A sufficient level of product safety should primarily be achieved by careful design. Product design and risk assessment should focus especially on:
- the users of the product
- foreseeable uses and conditions of use
- also, the requirements of other legislation.
In some cases, the intended use of a product may prevent the complete elimination of risks. In such situations, the risks have to be minimised as effectively as possible. The remaining risks, such as misuse, can be minimised with protective measures, including warnings and instructions.
For more information on warnings and instructions, see: Operating instructions and markings regarding the safe use of products | Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes)
Safety assessment should focus particularly on:
Design, technical features, composition, packaging, instructions for assembly and, where applicable, instructions for installation, use and maintenance
If it is reasonably foreseeable that the product will be used with other products or interconnected via a network.
If it is foreseeable that the operation of the product may be altered by other products used with it.
Including age appropriateness, warnings for safe use and disposal, and any other information regarding the product.
Especially vulnerable consumers such as children, older people and persons with disabilities, as well as the impact of gender differences on health and safety.
If the appearance of the product is likely to lead consumers to use the product incorrectly, for example if the product resembles foodstuff or an object intended for children but is not.
Protecting the product against external influences, such as third parties that might have an impact on the safety of the product, including the possible loss of interconnection.
These have to be taken into account when assessing the safety of a product.
Additional considerations for the assessment of product safety
Learn more about the aspects of assessing product safety in Articles 6–8 of the GPSR