Electrical safety certification

A person who has obtained certification in electrical safety has demonstrated that he/she is familiar with legislation, regulations and instructions related to safety at electrical work.

Certification requires that the person meets certification requirements and has competence in general electrical engineering. For certification to be granted the student must get at least three quarters of the maximum score.

Electrical safety examinations in 2024

14 November 2024, from 12 noon to 3 pm

Organising of examination

Electrical safety examinations are organised by educational institutions and adult education centres that provide education in the electrical field. Examination is organised twice per year on dates announced by Tukes.

The language of the examination is Finnish or Swedish. Examinations are not organized in other languages.

Examination is completed in Tukes eExam learning environment.

Preparatory courses for electrical safety examinations are organised by several educational institutions and other providers of  electrical training in the electrical sector (Tukes does not organise preparatory courses).

You can enrol for an electrical safety examination by contacting an education organiser

The autumn electrical safety exam (14.11.2024) is a pilot for the 2025 24/7 exam.

The electrical safety exam will become a 24/7 model at the beginning of 2025, meaning that from 2025, there will no longer be separate exam days and the exam can be taken anywhere, anytime. The autumn electrical safety exam (14.11.2024) will be a pilot for the new 24/7 exam. Educational institutions are still organising this autumn's electrical safety exam as an attendance event.

The electrical safety exam has already been redesigned in line with the 24/7 model for the autumn exam. All three exams (S1, S2, S3) are separate entities and single-part, thus the former two-part structure has been abolished. The autumn exams will be fully automated and the examiner will be informed immediately after returning the exam. The examination lasts three hours. An extra hour is allowed if there is evidence of dyslexia. The specific reading and writing disability and its degree of difficulty will be assessed by a specialist teacher, psychologist or speech therapist. No further extra time will be given to candidates whose mother tongue is not Finnish or Swedish.

Certification examination

The examination lasts three hours. If you have a diagnosed dyslexia, you will be given an extra hour to complete the examination. The specific literacy disorder and its severity will be assessed by a special needs teacher, psychologist or speech and language therapist.

Notify the institution of your need for extra time when you register for the degree (no later than Monday 11.11.2024).

Materials allowed during examination

You are allowed to use the following materials in the examination:

  • publications that are included in certification requirements; and
  • literature or other material related to the field, but not calculated examples or previous examinations.

Certification requirements

Certification requirements are valid for examinations organised after 1 January 2018.  

Electrical safety certification 1

Legislation, regulations and instructions related to electrical work included in electrical safety certification 1:


Electrical Safety Act (1135/2016)

Government Decree on Electrical Installations (1434/2016)

Government Decree on Electrical Work and Operational Work of Electrical Installations (1435/2016)

Government Decree on the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electrical Devices and Equipment (1436/2016)

Government Decree on the Safety of Electrical Equipment (1437/2016)

You can find links to legislation at Tukes's regulation information service.


SFS 6000 (2022)       Low-voltage electrical installations

SFS 6002 (3rd edition, 2015 + A1 2018) Safety at electrical work

SFS käsikirja 601:2018      High-voltage electrical installations and overhead lines. Includes standard SFS 6001 (2018) High-voltage electrical installations and basic requirements for overhead line standards

Other publications

Publication by The Electrical Contractors´ Association of Finland STUL:

D1-2022                  Käsikirja rakennusten sähköasennuksista

Publication by Sähkötieto ry: Sähkölaitekorjaajan opas, ST-ohjeisto 6 (2017)

Electrical safety certification 2 

Legislation, regulations and instructions related to electrical work included in electrical safety certification 2:


Electrical Safety Act (1135/2016)

Government Decree on Electrical Installations (1434/2016)

Government Decree on Electrical Work and Operational Work of Electrical Installations (1435/2016)

Government Decree on the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electrical Devices and Equipment (1436/2016)

Government Decree on the Safety of Electrical Equipment (1437/2016)

You can find links to legislation at Tukes's regulation information service.


SFS 6000 (2022) Low-voltage electrical installations

SFS 6002 (3rd edition, 2015 + A1 2018) Safety at electrical work

Other publications

Publication by The Electrical Contractors´ Association of Finland STUL:

D1-2022                  Käsikirja rakennusten sähköasennuksista

Publication by Sähkötieto ry: Sähkölaitekorjaajan opas, ST-ohjeisto 6 (2017)

Electrical safety certification 3 

Legislation, regulations and instructions related to electrical work included in electrical safety certification 3:


Electrical Safety Act (1135/2016)

Government Decree on Electrical Installations (1434/2016)

Government Decree on Electrical Work and Operational Work of Electrical Installations (1435/2016)

Government Decree on the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electrical Devices and Equipment (1436/2016)

Government Decree on the Safety of Electrical Equipment (1437/2016)

You can find links to legislation at Tukes’s regulation information service.


SFS 6000 (2022)       Low-voltage electrical installations (2017)

-     Fundamental principles, assessment of general characteristics, definitions


-     Protection against electric shock 4-41

-     Protection against thermal effects 4-42

-     Over-current protection 4-43

-     Isolation and switching 4-46


-     General rules 5-51

-     Wiring systems 5-52

-     Separation, connection and control 5-53

-     Grounding and protective conductors 5-54


-     Low-voltage generating sets 551

-     Luminaires and lighting installations 559



-     Construction sites 704

-     Exhibitions 711

-     Furniture 713

-     Supplies for Electric Vehicles 722

-     Fairgrounds 740


-     Repair, alteration and extension of electrical installations 802

-     Electrical repair shops and laboratories 803

-     Dry, humid and wet locations, outdoor locations 804

-     Selection and erection of plugs and socket outlets 813

SFS 6002 (3rd edition, 2015 + A1 2018) Safety at electrical work

Other publications

Publication by The Electrical Contractors´ Association of Finland STUL
D1-2022   Käsikirja rakennusten sähköasennuksista

3 Assessment of general characteristics

-     General 300

4 Protection for safety

-     Protection against electric shock 41

-     Protection against thermal effects 42

-     Over-current protection 43

5 Selection and erection of electrical equipment

-    General rules 51

-     Selection and erection of wiring 52

-     Switchgear 53

-     Grounding and protective conductors 54

-     Generating sets 551

-     Installation of luminaires 559

6 Inspection

7 Instructions for special installations or installation circumstances

-     Construction sites 704

-     Temporary installations at fairs and exhibitions

-     Furniture 713

-     Supplies for Electric Vehicles 722

-     Fairgrounds, amusement parks, … 740

8 Supplementary requirements for some installations

-     Repair, alteration and extension of electrical installations 802

-     Electrical repair shops and laboratories 803

-     Dry, humid and wet locations, outdoor locations 804

-     Selection and erection of plugs and socket outlets 813

Publication by Sähkötieto ry: Sähkölaitekorjaajan opas, ST-ohjeisto 6 (2017)

Sale of certification publications

You can find links to legislation at Tukes's regulation information service.

SFS standards and handbooks are sold by Finnish Standards Association SFS

Sähkötieto ry’s publication and publication D1 are sold by Sähköinfo Oy.  

Publications related to electrical safety certifications 1, 2 and 3 can be ordered as a full certification bundle from Sähköinfo Oy:stä or Opiks-Tiimi Oy:stä


Further information:

Electrical works in Finland | Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes)

Esko Iivonen, [email protected]