Procurement and invitations to tender

Procurement refers to purchasing or hiring goods and services from outside Tukes, or activities comparable to these.

The single largest procurement group at Tukes is the purchasing of expert services:

  • testing and inspection services as part of market surveillance of products
  • communication services
  • data system design, development and administration services
  • education, research and consultation services.

Tukes publishes purchases that are subject to tendering on the Cloudia Tarjouspalvelu service. Documents and communication related to tendering are managed through the electronic Cloudia Tarjouspalvelu service.

Procurement at Tukes is organised in a manner that enables purchases to be made economically and systematically, creating as appropriate entities as possible. The procurement process utilises the existing competitive conditions, providing companies and other organisations with equal opportunities to offer goods and services in tendering processes organised by Tukes.

Procurement principles of Tukes

The guiding principles behind all purchases at Tukes are:

  • equal and non-discriminatory treatment of the suppliers participating in a procurement procedure
  • transparency of the procurement process
  • proportioning the procurement requirements to the value and nature of the purchase.

As with other public entities, purchases at Tukes are governed by public procurement legislation. The Public Procurement Act (1397/ 2016) requires responsible use of public funds and requires entities to make high-quality purchases that are also innovative and promote sustainable development. Julkisten hankintojen käsikirja 2023 is based on the Public Procurement Act and it supports government agencies in organising procurement processes. It also harmonises the procurement procedures used in government agencies and institutions.  Instructions and regulations regarding public procurement are provided by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, which is also responsible for directing the operations of Tukes.