Planning for emergencies

 The process safety system consists of several different areas and elements, which are explained in the text.


‘Planning for emergencies’ is an area of the process safety system consisting of three elements: internal rescue plan, drills, and communication to the public. The goal of the area is to ensure a planned and practised readiness for accidents and emergencies, and provide the general public with sufficient information about accident risks associated with plants. 

The internal rescue plan must be based on identified accident risks. It serves to plan what to do in the event of accidents and allocate sufficient resources for them. Accident response may also require cooperation to prevent the spread of accidents. 

The activities defined in the internal rescue plan must be practised systematically. Drills must be based on identified accident risks. Development needs can be identified based on drills to further improve accident responses. 

The obligation to communicate information to the public applies to facilities with a major accident prevention policy document and facilities obliged to provide a safety report. The latter facilities must distribute a public notice in the area which may be exposed to a potential accident. These types of facilities must keep such public notices always available in electronic or other format.

Internal rescue plan


Communication to the public