Energy labelling

Energy labelling provides comparable information on electrical products’ energy consumption and its purpose is to influence consumers to buy energy-efficient products.

Energy labelling requirements only apply to those product groups for which product-group-specific implementing regulations have been set. The manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that the product is in compliance with the implementing regulations and that the product comes with energy labelling.

Energy labelling requirements apply to electrical domestic appliances and electric heaters, for example.

The product-group-specific regulations and more information on the Energy Labelling Regulation are available on the Energy Authority’s website www.ekosuunnittelu.infoLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab (in Finnish and Swedish).

An electrical product is considered to meet the requirements of the Energy Labelling Regulation, when

  • the product is equipped with an energy label and product description in accordance with the Regulation, and
  • the information on the energy label and the product description is correct, and 
  • the energy label is correctly affixed at the place of sale
  • the energy efficiency class is indicated on the product if any price or energy-related information is given in the advertising of the product
  • all required information is provided with the product in distance and online selling.