Professional pest control is governed by the Chemicals Act

Use of certain pest control products is permitted only if you are

  • a qualified professional in pest control, or
  • a farmer with a qualification in plant protection products and you use the products in your own farming activities.

Use of the most dangerous substances is restricted to professionals who have obtained a special qualification.

The qualification in pest control and plant protection products can be obtained from certain education providers that Tukes has approved. Currently the education is provided only in Finnish. Tukes approves the provider of the pest control qualification, the recipient of such qualification, as well as the provider of the special qualification. The content of the qualification and its completion are set out in more detail in the relevant Government Decree.

A pest control operator must obtain a qualification in pesticide use

The pest control operator demonstrates with the qualification that he or she is qualified to use pesticides. The aim of the qualification is to ensure that professional pest control operators are using the products safely and appropriately. The qualification consists of  a written examination and a competence test.

Once you have obtained the qualification in pest control, do the following:

  • submit a notification to Tukes of the qualification. Send confidential or otherwise sensitive documents to Tukes in the security message service (Turvaviesti). (Change language in the right top corner: Suomeksi > In English.)
  • pay the registration fee of 120 euros to Tukes
  • obtain a new qualification and submit another notification to Tukes every 5 years.

Tukes records the persons qualified in pest control in a register. The register is available only in Finnish and Swedish.

Tukes may cancel the registration of a qualification if the pest control operator does not use pesticides appropriately and in compliance with instructions, or if the pest control operator has caused environmental or health hazards by his or her actions.

Use of products presenting a particular hazard or risk requires a special qualification

Only pest control operators with a special qualification can use products presenting a particular hazard or risk to health or the environment. Special qualification is product-specific and remains valid for a period of 5 years.

To obtain the right to use substances under special qualification, you need to do the following:

  • obtain a product-specific special qualification in using the product
  • submit a notification to Tukes of the special qualification. Send confidential or otherwise sensitive documents to Tukes in the security message service (Turvaviesti). (Change language in the right top corner: Suomeksi > In English.)
  • pay the registration fee of 120 euros to Tukes
  • obtain a new special qualification every 5 years.

Once the above steps have been taken, Tukes records your details in the special qualification register for pest control operators. The register is available only in Finnish and Swedish. After special qualification, the person is qualified to supply and use certain products marked in the register. Tukes may cancel the registration if you do not fulfil the registration requirements.

Product-specific information on restrictions concerning professional use is found in Tukes’ Biocidal products register.

Education on pest control and qualification providers

Education on pest control is organised by Salpaus Further Education. For more information on dates of the courses, registration and other practical arrangements relating to the qualification, please contact Ville Lehtinen. Currently the education is provided only in Finnish.

Pest control operator qualifications can be obtained from the following schools and companies

Companies providing professional pest control must be registered in Tukes’ company register

Such a company must submit a notification to Tukes of starting the business before carrying out professional pest control. At least one person responsible must be working full-time for the company.
The responsible person named by the company must have the following:

  • training in pest control or a corresponding vocational qualification in accordance with the Chemicals Act, or
  • a qualification in pest control.

A fee of 120 euros is charged for the registration. Tukes records the company and its responsible person in its qualification and company register. The register is available only in Finnish and Swedish.

Pest control registers in Tukes

  • persons with qualification in pest control
  • persons with a special qualification
  • companies providing pest control and the persons responsible.


If you need further information, please contact biosinfo(at) by email or via Tukes' online services.

Before commencing pest control

The use of some pest control products requires a qualification.

Education and qualification
Education on pest control is organised by Salpaus Further Education

Notifying Tukes of the qualification
Submit notification with a form.

Tukes adds you or your company to the register it maintains.

Obtain a new qualification and submit another notification to Tukes every 5 years.