Plant protection products                                             

In home gardens, the best way of controlling pests is by monitoring the condition of the plants. Remove any deteriorated or sick plants. Plants will remain healthy when you alternate the species of plants you cultivate in a specific area each year.

When planting, set the plants sufficiently far apart, because pests thrive in tightly set and moist plant stands. Moderate watering and fertilization boost the plant's own resistance.

Using fabric covers is a good method for controlling flying insects. Some plants, such as onion and garlic, have insect-repelling properties. You should plant these in the immediate vicinity of, for example, a carrot plot.

The recommended weed-control methods for home gardens include weeding, flame weeding and use of ground cover materials. When nursing plants, it is important to use clean pots and tools to prevent plant diseases. However, sometimes it may be necessary to use plant protection products.

What is a plant protection product?

Plant protection products are preparations used in plant production for protecting plants against vermin and plant diseases and for regulating crop growth. In Finland, only products authorised by Tukes can be sold or used. Tukes decides on the terms and conditions of use of products and maintains a register of authorised plant protection products.

Examples of the use of plant protection products:

  • controlling weeds, plant diseases and vermin and regulating plant growth in gardens and cultivated areas
  • protecting plants against vermin and plant diseases in greenhouses
  • weed and moss removal in gardens and on yards
  • protecting plants against harmful animals (moose, forest reindeer, deer, moles)
  • protecting house plants and ornamental plants against pests.

Some of the plant protection products are approved for consumer use, for example, in household gardens and for house plants.

Plant protection products approved for consumer use

can be found on Tukes Plant Protection Product Register under the term kuluttajakäyttö (consumer use)
can be freely purchased and sold without plant protection certification.
are primarily preparations that can be used without wearing personal protective equipment.

The sales packages and labels of plant protection products provide instructions on how to use the products safely and prevent damage to health and the environment. Ensure safe use of plant protection products and follow the instructions for use on the sales packages and labels.

Basic substances

Basic substance refers to preparations that are not predominantly used for plant protection purposes but that are nevertheless proven to be useful in plant protection. Basic substances are primarily used as foodstuffs, including sunflower oil, fructose, beer and nettle. However, it is not allowed to market basic substances as plant protection products. The label text on a basic substance may only read that the substance has been approved as basic substance under Regulation on Plant Protection Products (1107/2009).

The basic substances are listed in the EU Pesticides Database. More detailed instructions on the matter can be bound on the Risk assessment and approval of active substances page.

Example of uses of a basic substance:

Nettle (Urtica spp.)

Nettle extract can be used for protection against vermin and plant diseases on many plants, such as fruit trees, bean, potato, vegetables etc.

For example, instructions on how to control plant lice on roses: Use 75 g/l of fresh nettles or 15 g/l of dried nettles. Time of treatment from spring to summer. Spray on the plant during louse infestation.


Information about plant pests and diseases: