Natural gas storage
Natural gas storage refers to keeping natural gas in places other than natural gas pipelines. If the amount of stored natural gas is over 0.2 tons and under 5 tons, Tukes must be notified.
Apply for a natural gas storage construction licence from Tukes if the amount of stored natural gas is more than 5 tons. Submit a construction licence application or notification.
before making any detailed implementation choices and well in advance of beginning construction.
Natural gas is stored in gas form in gas cylinder and multiple-element gas containers as well as in liquid form in LNG containers.
Scope of natural gas storage notifications and construction licence applications submitted to Tukes, pursuant to the Natural Gas Decree (551/2009), and policy documents and safety reports pursuant to the Seveso directive:
Hazard category | Notification to Tukes (tons) | Licence (tons) | MAPP (tons) Policy document |
SR (tons) Safety report |
Natural gas and comparable biogas, i.e. biomethane | 0,2 | 5 | 50 | 200 |
When storing amounts larger than the licence limits the principles for production facilities of dangerous chemicals are complied with.
The Finnish Gas Association has published LNG container instructions.
The instructions go over the following:
- storage of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in underground facilities with a total storage capacity of 5–50 tons for LNG and compressed natural gas (CNG)
- safety and technical solutions related to solid LNG storage.
The instructions can be used for LNG tank containers and smaller LNG containers as applicable.
There are European standards for natural gas storage:
- SFS-EN 13645 Installations and equipment for liquefied natural gas. Design of onshore installations with a storage capacity between 5 t and 200 t.
- SFS-EN 1473 Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas. Design of onshore installations.
The principles specified in the above standards should be followed when planning and designing storage.
See also
Production plant life cycle
Tukes instructions 10/2015 Operating principles document (in Finnish)
Tukes instructions 22/2021 Safety report (in Finnish, pdf)
Tukes instructions 8/2015 Internal emergency rescue plan (in Finnish)
Tukes instructions 7/2015 Natural gas handling safety (in Finnish)