Moving a measuring instrument to another place of use
A measuring device can be moved to a different area. When moving scales, especially precision scales, it must be checked whether the g value of the place of use, and therefore also the weighing result of the scale, will change enough to require an adjustment of the settings of the scales. Depending on the settings of the scales, changing the g value may break the seals of the scales.
Measuring Instruments Act 707/2011
Government Decree on Measuring Instruments 471/2014
Government Decree on Non-Automatic Scales 1431/2016
Government Decree on Essential Requirements, Demonstration of Compliance and Specific Technical Requirements of Measuring Instruments 1432/2016
Measuring Instruments Directive 2014/32/EU (MID)
Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments Directive 2014/31/EU (NAWID)
Council Directive 76/211/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making-up by weight or by volume of certain prepackaged products
Council Directive 75/107/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to bottles used as measuring containers
Council Directive 80/181/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to units of measurement
Directive 2009/34/EC relating to common provisions for both measuring instruments and methods of metrological control
See also
Website of the European Commission on legal metrology and pre-packaged products
The European Commission’s list on the harmonised standards of the MID
NANDO database Database of the European Commission on notified bodies
OIML International Organization of Legal Metrology
WELMEC (The body for the promotion of European cooperation in legal metrology)