Citizens see Tukes as a reputable safety authority

Publication date 19.12.2024 9.30 | Published in English on 23.12.2024 at 12.41
Type:News item
Tukes’s reputation score

The Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) came 11th in the Reputation and Trust survey measuring the reputation of organisations in public administration. The survey was conducted by T-Media Oy in October/November 2024.

In the survey, the visibility and reputation of the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) were rated at a good level by Finnish people. Tukes’s reputation score was 3,68, and among the 82 organisations surveyed, the Agency was placed eleventh (11th). In the survey, a reputation score on a scale of 1 to 5 is calculated for the organisation. Compared to Tukes’s result last year, the change was marginal (-0,03). The change in the reputation score is within the error margin of the study (±0,04).

Tukes’s reputation among citizens is better than the reputation of organisations in public administration in general. Tukes’s score for responsibility was excellent (4,03). Citizens saw most room for improvement in dialogue (3,46). Citizens’ views on the services provided by Tukes and Tukes as a workplace had improved.

“All in all, the good result we achieve in the reputation survey year after year shows that Finnish people trust Tukes as a key safety authority. The strong trust among citizens is the result of our daily work,” says Communications Director Anu von Lode

In the Reputation and Trust survey, citizens answer questions about organisations’ governance, financial performance, leadership, innovations, dialogue, products and services, the organisation as a workplace and responsibility. Respondents assess each area on a scale of 1 to 5. The average of the responses forms the organisation's reputation score.

Finns’ trust in public administration at a high level

Especially operators in the security and rescue sector ranked well in the top 10 list. The Finnish Border Guard and the helicopter emergency medical service FinnHEMS were placed highest. As a whole, the development of trust in public administration reversed after a slight decline of three years and returned to a good level.

The collection of data for the survey was carried out with an electronic questionnaire between 4 October and 6 November 2024. This year, 10,561 Finns participated in the survey. The reputation of Tukes was evaluated in more detail by 200 respondents. Finnish people aged between 15 and 65 in the whole country (excluding Åland) were the target group of the survey. The sample was weighted according to gender, age and residential area to represent the population.

Luottamus&Maine 2024 (pdf, 620 kt)

T-Media’s press release: The most reputable organisations in public administration 2024 (link in Finnish)

More information:

Anu von Lode, Communications Director
tel. +358 29 5052 164, [email protected]