Operating principles of Tukes

The work of Tukes is guided by the following operating principles and related operating methods:

We promote safety and reliability

We use a coaching approach with an emphasis on collaboration. We provide advice, guidance and good practices. Our communication is open, versatile and active. We address any problems that arise.

We follow the principles of good governance

We operate in a consistent and predictable manner. We treat our customers equally. Our actions are reasonable, justifiable and proportionate to the severity of the matter.

Our actions are as effective as possible

Our activities target certain areas and means based on risk evaluations to achieve the greatest impact possible. We predict and address the changes in our areas of responsibility and society.

Our activities are transparent and reliable

We communicate actively, clearly and pragmatically about our supervisory findings and our own actions. We monitor and develop our activities and their quality. We collect feedback from customers and stakeholders.

Our activities are based on data and strong expertise

We base our actions on facts. We use wide-ranging information, maintain healthy criticism of data sources, and carefully document matters. We support the skills of our experts.