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KemiDigi progresses, user tests continue

Publication date 5.9.2018 13.41 | Published in English on 18.9.2018 at 15.23
News item

The KemiDigi project (digital chemical data management) collects information on chemicals in one place and simplifies the companies’ obligations to submit information related to chemicals. Among other things, companies can use the system to submit chemical notifications on the chemicals they have placed on the market and maintain the chemical lists they require for permits and monitoring, among other things. The chemical ratio calculator for determining the operating level of chemical plants (Act on the Safe Handling and Storage of Dangerous Chemicals and Explosives) will also be moved to KemiDigi in connection with the chemical lists. KemiDigi will be deployed in early 2019.

Feedback from companies that tested KemiDigi is being processed

During the summer, companies placing chemicals on the market have already had a chance to try out submitting a chemical notification during a pilot. The companies’ experiences and their comments on the first stage pilot are encouraging, and the feedback is useful. Companies have provided good observations and development ideas related to the functionalities of the application.

You can enter information into KemiDigi either manually or in a mass run

After the new service is deployed, companies can enter their chemical notification data into the service themselves either:

  • manually via the interface
  • in a mass run using a CSV file
  • or directly from their own system, taking advantage of KemiDigi’s interfaces.

You can find the current version of the CSV file below with instructions. Small changes may be made to the instructions during the autumn.

Participate in testing KemiDigi’s chemical list

Currently, the chemical list functionality for companies using chemicals is being tested in KemiDigi. Drawing up a chemical list and the ratio calculator will enter the pilot stage soon, once the internal tests are done.

A few companies have already stated that they are interested in testing KemiDigi’s chemical list functionality, but there is still room for more participants. You can sign up for the pilot and find more information by contacting Minna Valtavaara (minna.valtavaara (at) or kemidigi(at)


Instructions for the CSV files

CSV file: Mixture Components Exports

CSV file:Chemical Notification Export

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