Review of ore prospecting and mining activities for 2021 has been published
Investments in prospecting last year remained at the same level as in 2020, according to the statistics on prospecting and mining compiled by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes). By contrast, investments in mining declined.
The majority of exploration permits in Lapland
An exploration permit gives its holder the right to make exploration surveys on his own land and that owned by another landowner, and a privilege for exploiting the deposit possibly found. The majority of exploration permits are granted in the Lapland region (72%). The number of applications for mineral exploration permits submitted to Tukes was nearly double that of the previous year, totalling 219. Growth was accelerated by the rise of metal prices in the world market as a result of COVID-19 and by the long-standing public interest in Finland as a target for mining investments.
Investments towards prospecting in Finland were approximately EUR 68.5 million in 2021 (2020: approximately EUR 68 million). Investments have been stable for several years.
The number of mines remained at the same level
There were 44 mines in Finland in 2021. Mining investments decreased to EUR 311 million but remain at a high level (2020: EUR 392 million). The most significant investments were made in Sodankylä's Kevitsa mine as well as the Kemi and Kittilä mines. Total mining and quarrying amounted to 115.5 million tonnes and remained at the same level as the previous year. The three largest mines (Terrafame, Kevitsa, Siilinjärvi) accounted for 85 per cent of the total mining volume.
New Mining Act
The Mining Act is being reformed and a consultation on the draft of the new Act is currently underway. The reform is being prepared by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy in cooperation with stakeholders. Tukes has also participated in the preparations for the new act. Statements regarding the proposed amendments to the Mining Act may be submitted until 12 April 2022 at the website.
Background information on the statistics
Tukes acts as the mining authority referred to in the Finnish Mining Act and is responsible for monitoring compliance with the act and attending to duties prescribed in the act. Tukes monitors compliance with permit conditions and carries out inspections in both mineral prospecting areas and in mines.
The statistical review is based on reports received from the companies and data collected by Tukes. The current published statistics do not yet show the possible impact of the Russian offensive in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia on prospecting and mining.
More information:
Current Review, Summary of Mining and Prospecting in 2021
Mountain 2021 statistics, extraction volumes by mine (in Finnish)
Announcement documents and decisions of pending applications on Tukes website
Application status and valid permit areas with data in GTK's map service
Further information for media
Terho Liikamaa, Head of Unit, tel. +358 29 5052 117
Mining: Leading Specialist Ossi Leinonen, tel. +358 29 5052 205
Prospecting: Senior Adviser Ilkka Keskitalo, tel. +358 29 5052 151