Confirmation of responsibility mark registration

The registration of a responsibility mark must be confirmed every three years. Tukes will send you a notification about one month before the expiration of the registration. Please keep your company’s contact information up to date. Please note that contact information is not automatically updated to Tukes, even if the company has submitted a notice of change elsewhere. You can also use this form to submit a registration before Tukes has sent you a notification. The application can be submitted three months prior to the expiration date at the earliest. The fee for confirming the registration is 110 €.

Application instructions

  • The signatory of the form used to confirm or terminate the registration of a responsibility mark may only be a person or persons who have the right to sign official documents on behalf of the company.
  • If you do not want your company’s information to be displayed in the responsibility mark register, select “limited information” in the form, and Tukes shall only record the responsibility mark and the year of registration into the register. Otherwise the register will also display the name, municipality and telephone number of the company.
  • The responsibility mark sample must be stamped on a metal plate several times, in different strengths. This makes photographing the mark for the Tukes archive easier.

Confirming the registration of a responsibility mark is subject to charge.  See the applicable prices in the Tukes price list.


Tukes responsibility mark register

email: [email protected]

Confirmation of responsibility mark registration

You will get a notification from Tukes about one month before the expiration of your previous registration

Fill in the form
form used to confirm or terminate the registration of a responsibility mark

Stamp your responsibility mark sample onto a metal plate

Send the form and the responsibility mark sample to Tukes by mail
Opastinsilta 12 B, 00521 HKI