General requirements for pyrotechnic products
Fireworks and other pyrotechnic products sold in Finland must be CE marked. In addition, they must come with appropriate product details and appropriate instructions on their correct use and storing in Finnish and Swedish.
Pyrotechnic products include fireworks, pyrotechnic safety equipment of vehicles and pyrotechnic driven effects for theatre use.
In Finland, the categories of fireworks allowed for consumer use are
- category F1 fireworks
- category F2 fireworks
- category F3 batteries, fountains and combinations not including elements of bangers, flash bangers.
In Finland, types of firework not allowed for consumer use are
- bangers and flash bangers
- small roman candles
- small aerial shells
- mini rockets.
Category F4 fireworks are allowed for professional use only.
Other pyrotechnic products allowed for consumer use include only category P1 pyrotechnic products, excluding category P1 aerial tubes intended for entertainment use. Supply of category P2 pyrotechnic products is only allowed for companies that have an employ a responsible person with the appropriate qualifications. Supply of category T1 and T2 products is only allowed for the use of companies that employ a charger with a pyrotechnician’s certificate (class E).
Act on the safe handling and storage of dangerous chemicals and explosivesLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab (Laki vaarallisten kemikaalien ja räjähteiden käsittelyn turvallisuudesta 390/2005)
Government decree on the control of the manufacture and storage of explosivesLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab (Valtioneuvoston asetus räjähteiden valmistuksen ja varastoinnin valvonnasta 819/2015)
Act on the conformity of pyrotechnic articlesLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab (Laki pyroteknisten tuotteiden vaatimustenmukaisuudesta 180/2015)
Government decree on the conformity of pyrotechnic articlesLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab (Valtioneuvoston asetus pyroteknisten tuotteiden vaatimustenmukaisuudesta 719/2015)