Technical requirements of storage facilities
The technical requirements for permanent and temporary storage facilities are identical.
An isolated shipping container is often used as a storage building. The doors and walls must be insulated. The storage must be insulated so that it can withstand at least 120 minutes of external fire exposure. More details on the requirements for the storage facility’s structures can be found in the standard SFS 4397.
The storage facility must be fenced and protected from intruders. A double locking padlock is sufficient for intruder protection. The padlock and its fixtures must meet at least the requirements for a certified class 3 padlock as recommended by Finance Finland.
The storage facility must have a security and intrusion alarm system, which must be kept operational at all times. Alarms from the system must be sent in a reliable method to a contact person or an on-call centre that is reasonably close to the storage. The system can be a battery- or accumulator-powered camera surveillance system.